When you get ready call
ProStar Hobby and see what they will sell you a warp kit for
They will most likely give you a better price on it
Ask Gaba about the repair cost on one
When I lawn darted the first warp I had and broke the frame I think it was only like 75.00 to put it back together and you know what most of that is is blades
The Gaui X3 looks nice and can also be 3 or 6s like the warp
Just dont know what parts would be in a crash on the X3
Warp may be a little more but maybe cheaper to fix
As far as Micros You know I like the 130x and the Nano NCPX
The 130x is not as bad as its made out to be STOCK ones fly fine But can get pricey
Nano flies good inside if you have the room they dont like wind
Mcpx BL to high priced for me to even try
But Hey Im just tossing stuff out there Get your money right and get what you want
But I will say having more than one heli helps when you do crash and one goes down for a bit