I never measured my cyclic angles on either heli I setup with an Ikon (or a 7200BX for that matter). I just set it up to be able to use up the whole range possible without binding anything. The flight modes (step 12) will ultimately control how much of the range you have setup on that screen (step 7) will be used. Basic setting will use a small amount, limiting the roll rate possible. Sport a little more, 3D even more, hard core 3D will max it out. You'll notice that the "agility" slider will increase with these setting selections. That agility setting is what is controlling the amount of cyclic throw will be used for full stick deflection (minus corrections for wind, rotational inertia, etc.). If you want to set things up for a cyclic roll rate somewhere between the four presets you can manually slide that agility to a value of your liking. The cyclic gain setting is set by the selection you make in step 11, model size. IT will not vary based on the selections you make in step 12, but you can manually tweak that slider too, if you need to.