Impromptu airshow today


Well-Known Member
I was working on the beach today teaching a student, when in the distance i saw two aircraft approaching. As they got nearer I could see they were two Black P51 Mustangs :) They did a couple of flybys in perfect formation. Then about an hour later a Military Helicopter, not sure of the make, came from round the corner at less than 60ft up and just off the beach. If it had been a few minutes earlier, it would have cut thwe lines of the three kitesurfers on the water easily. Lucky they were all on the beach when it passed.
It was a great show, but no video i'm afraid, as it happened so quickly and i was working anyway. :D


rc-help EXPERT.......????
wow! that must have been a sight... I've never ever seen a P-51 in real life...hopefully that will change this summer, as I intend to go to several airshows. But nothing better than getting a personal airshow for free!
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