Really, it's pretty simple once you understand it. There are only 4 moving parts inside teh engine (crank, rod, piston, wrist pin). It's nothing but a little compressor. 3 things are needed to start an engine. Fuel, Fire, Compression. Fuel, self explanitory. Fire, that is the glow plug that is being heated up by your glow driver. Compression, that is the engine rotating over, pulling in the fuel air mixture, forcing the piston up thus compressing the fuel air mixture and once it reaches enough compression, the glow plug will ignite the mixture forcing the piston back down.
There is a little more to it that that being it's a 2 stroke. But that is the jist of it.
And yes, I will be trying to get more videos up of this helicopter. It's been way too long. Just having it sitting next to me is awesome. I am rendering the video of putting it back together now. It's quite long, almost 20 minutes, but covers quite a bit. I go slow putting the engine back in and checking the governor sensor one last time, but then, I speed it up putting the rest of the helicopter back together. Then, it's all about talking to the people watching. I want opinions and I ask for them in this video. I'm not sure if I'm going to upload it today, or next weekend though.