RF Warning


Flying my 450 Pro/3GX in my yard (3acres) came near an area of the yard where I simply lost all radio control of the heli. Crashed into soft earth, not too bad. My conjecture is that my dog's (dog was in the house) invisible fence radio frequency compromised control. I lost control of the heli near the ground near a bend of the invisible fence.
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Well-Known Member
That sucks it's in your own yard.
My brother has had two occurrences with a DX5 and a DX6i at the parking lot track we use as a runway. In one section of airspace, he has dropped two planes. Doing a calm left aileron turn, it get's into the turn and the nose starts to point down and out of control. My buddy and Eye refuse to put our stuff up in that section. Have not found the source, but our on-road vehicles have a compromising turn in our track that seems to spew some interference. It's actually fun with the cars though, they are already on the ground. Kinda like hitting an oil slick.
Glad your damage is minimal.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem anytime figure you could turn it off dealt with electric fences for livestock before and i knew you could turn them off thought might help.. your fence is probably putting of a electromagnetic field of some kind that is giving off interference
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Staff member
The classic brown out. You never know it's there until it's too late. There is one of those places at our flying field. Not fun when you fly into it. Hope you get it repaired quickly.
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