Runcam 2 for FPV


Well-Known Member
Have you tried hooking the other ground up?
It's real hard to see your wiring in this vid.
Yellow is normally video but not always.
Can you do a close up of the 2 plugs.
Is there a setting in the Runcam for video out?

What are you putting this on, if it's a small quad for proximity and tree dodging do yourself a favor and just use the fatshark camera.
The lag will make you crash. :D
If you want a better image go for a 600 or 700 tvl ccd cam.


You're absolutely right. I didn't have the ground hooked up for the video. Just figured that out this morning and got it all straightened out. I want to put this on a plane but just haven't decided which yet. Most likely a scratch build. Sorry for the poor video quality. Not enough light and I move my phone around too much haha. I did post a video on YouTube of it all sorted out since I couldn't find one of a Runcam paired with Fastshark equipment. The lighting is also bad haha.


Had a bit of a crash yesterday and now my can won't turn on. Any thoughts? Anyone electronic savy enough to attempt a repair?
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