Some flying with callsign4223


Staff member
Well Matt decided to stop by and he brought the trainer that I built for him. So, we decided to do some flying. Cows out in the field, most with sharp horns, I was not about to go out there. So, we launched the planes from my yard. I put a new motor on my plane and let me tell you, it woke it up! Great speed, and almost unlimited vertical. After about 4 minutes of us both flying, I made a pass by me and heard the motor spinning down really fast. The only 2200 that I have has had it. So I try to swing around for another approach to land in my yard, and the battery just dies. The plane ended up nose diving into the ground breaking the motor mount. Not a bit deal though, the big deal was where it landed... In the field... With all those bulls... Right next to them...

Well, I was not about to let the cows stop all over my plane, so off I went while Matt was still flying. I jumped the fence and when I hopped off of it, it scared them. Yeah, now they are all looking at me. Thankfully though, I was able to get my plane and come back to where Matt was.

I told him that I wanted to fly it with the shorter wing and new tail feathers, and even with some slight issues, it was pretty nice. He was now starting to run out of battery and I handed the controls back to him and told him that he needs to land it. Let me tell you, it was one of the most perfect landing I had ever seen. Right where he wanted it to land!

I did put my glasses on and I did shoot video, but the friggin things didn't save the file. I was pissed, still am. But, it is what it is. Decided to go ahead and work on the T-Maxx that he just purchased. That is a story that he can tell though lol.


sounds like you had fun, shame about the vid but at least you got your bird back from the evil clutches of the moo cows
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