The RCH Trainer FLIES AGAIN!!!


Well-Known Member
I may build one this week for a friend. He crashed his little piper cub. I think this will be a great replacement.


Staff member
bout time the trainer saw some air time. Great that you got out and flew a few times. lets see more.

I know, right? lmao. I would love to show you more but my night when the sun was up tonight was taken up with working on and flying the RCH Heli until all hell broke loose lmao. I will be in the air again soon, I hope.

Hey Tony! I think I remember reading, in a prior post, that you were gonna make some adjustments and try again. I really hope that you do.

I need to get back to the Dollar Tree and replenish my foamboard stash so that I can make a second trainer.

Yeah, I needed to slide the battery back and put the CoG where it needs to be, just slightly behind where it was in this flight. Although it was very stable, you had to land pretty hot because it wanted to keep floating. I also needed to add some brake to the motor as when I cut the throttle the motor still sounded like it was running when it wasn't. I have done that and it's ready to go.

I may build one this week for a friend. He crashed his little piper cub. I think this will be a great replacement.

It would be a perfect replacement. High wing to High wing. Hell, you can modify the plans on this one, round the nose a bit, flatten the wing and add some wing struts and you would have a piper cub! If you build it, video the maiden!!!


Great video Matt, the trainer looked good Tony. With no landing gear how hard is that on the prop? I can see landing gear would have problems with you airfield, kinda like mine!
Great job guys



Staff member
If the prop catches just right, it will break it. I'm VERY surprised that I didn't break it because I had TWO landings like that because it was so nose heavy. AND this trainer is heavier than most peoples because of the vinyl that's on it. Also, there was no brake in the motor allowing the motor to free spin in the air. If I can stop the prop horizontal every time, it would reduce or get rid of the risk of breaking the prop.

As for landing gear, yeah, that's not an option with my field. Way too many obstacles out there up to and including cow pies lmao. If I could land something with gear on it, I would be flying the crap out of my 50" edge 540, 40" Edge 540 and 40" Extra 260. But, I'm stuck with the 600 and the trainer.


As for landing gear, yeah, that's not an option with my field. Way too many obstacles out there up to and including cow pies lmao. If I could land something with gear on it, I would be flying the crap out of my 50" edge 540, 40" Edge 540 and 40" Extra 260. But, I'm stuck with the 600 and the trainer.

Tony, if you plan it just right with those cow can "stick" your landing everytime! has to be fresh or it would be like hitting concrete LMAO


Well-Known Member
EWWWWWW STINKY!!!!!!! As my 4 year old would say but then he would probably say daddy you poofed!!!!!! lmao hey he is 4 what do you expect


Staff member
It's just hay lol. When I hit that cow driving truck, my landing gear on my trailer took out his stomach and there was a LOT of hay on there. I could not for the life of me figure out where in the hell I got hay from, then it hit me... I LOVE steak, but that smell on that road with a 1000lb cow reduced into little bits was not a pleasant one... But, a small truck hit and killed the cow, then I hit him, then a Stevens truck behind me hit him and got a femur in the fuel tank, then all of those cars and trucks driving over the biggest bits of him. The largest part left was one of the front legs BELOW the knee.

Anyway, I need to fly again. This plane is just too much fun, even if it did stab me and I had blood covering my Tx after the flight lmao.
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