Videos Tony's 250 Quad Videos


Staff member
Well, I got a surprise in the mailbox today when I got home. My props arrived early as did my other package which came from china. Pretty fast shipping on both counts.

For those that don't know, I ordered two sets of props. 4 pairs of 6x3 props and 4 pairs of 5x3 props. They are Gemfan props and WOW this things are flimsy as hell compared to the CF props. But I thought what the hell, lets toss them on there and play with it in the high ass wind we have today lol.

I ended up putting the 6x3's on there just to test. The 5x3's are even thinner. I did NOT balance these props before putting them on, and I think they did quite well. I still have not adjusted my settings on the cc3d and again, this thing is all over the place.

This was just a LOS flight, so no goggles. I just wanted to see what they felt like.

Here's the video...

As you can see, the video looked pretty good IMO. The blades are not near as snappy as the CF props that I had on it, but they are quite good. I mean, $9 for 4 pairs (4CW, 4CCW), I think i can handle that. Breaking props is in my future, so these fit the bill pretty well. But I would like to find a better prop for when I get serious about it all lol. If you have suggestions, post them up with some links.


Staff member
Crap, forgot to publish it lmao. You are all good to watch a very boring LOS quad video lmao.


I know it more about the flight, but I just can't get over the pic quality on that thing.
I do have one prob. with the video - looks like a beautyful day there and your grill is covered up
you should be burnin some meat on it lol
I got tornado warnings here lol


Staff member
Actually, the grill that is covered up is the one that is all rusted out inside. There is another stainless steel grill there that doesn't have a cover, but I'm out of propane. Then, there is a 3rd grill/smoker there that I use all the time. I have had this thing so long, the legs rusted off of it and I have to use boards to prop it up lmao. But yes, other than the wind, it's a very beautiful day here.

And it's a Mobius camera. Get you one and you can have the same video quality. I'm using the standard lens, not the wide angle.


Well-Known Member
Tony HQ props are quite a bit stiffer than Gemfans, you can get them in all sorts of flavours now.
I currently run 5040 but they have a 5045 as well.
ReadymadeRC is where I get mine.
Get the glass fibre not the carbon reinforced ones.


Staff member
Cool deal. I have seen those and have read reviews and they are mostly good. Some out of balance issues here and there, but that is to be expected. I will definitely be getting some of those for sure.


Well-Known Member
The Gemfans you have got will be fine, a little more forgiving than the CF or HQ props although the HQs tend to chip rather than break when hitting twigs and stuff.
Don't forget, PIDs that work well with 5x3 may be way off on 6x3 and those that work with Gemfans might be different with HQ of the same size.
Even a different size battery can make a difference to the optimum PIDs.


Staff member
Yeah, unfortunately, we have MANY MANY farmers and hunters out here that LOVE to shook skeet. I'm sure I would not make it far if I were to leave my yard lol.
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