I choose helicopters for that reason. Pretty much fly where ever I find. Never around other people. I had my helicopter with me coming home from work one day and had to stop at Menards. The sun was setting and I knew I wouldn't make it to my favorite place. There was a large empty field next to the parking lot so I just flew out over the field.
My general rules to use any place I choose.
1) I won't get in trouble for being there
2) lots of room and accessible if I happened to lose it, don't fly over a field you wouldn't walk across.
3) the sun is behind me even if its cloudy
Look at areas around you that fit my criteria and you will find a couple places worthy of your skill level.
Most elementary schools on the weekends have no one around. People are always suggesting flying clubs, but when I fly I need to concentrate, don't want any distractions and don't want to wait my turn, a little selfish I suppose but hey it's 'me' time. I do have a few friends come fly at my place and I go to theirs but this forum is a great place for information and no club politics to deal with.
Just my opinion!
Don't need a runway for a helicopter!