I had some vibes on my 500, awhile back and like you just could not locate the cause. I was told to take everything off both rotors than add things to it, in that way i found out that my head black (which had been through a crash or two) was bent, and even cracked in one place. it would spin up fine and look solid, but that was because now it fit very loosely on the shaft, because of the gyroscope effect on it would look like it was running smooth, the only way Ii could tell it was the head block was when I put it on the shaft vibes started. a few weeks later when i had gotten a align rotor head + new align blades and tail unit it was vibe free. My first blades like yours, they didn't look to good; when i replaced them, and balanced the new ones the heli worked 100% better. So my suggestion to you would be take the heli apart, even as far as taking the boom off, and slowly build up, checking for the slightest vibes, remember that blades, booms, tail blades, fly bar...etc are amplifiers, so as you strip down the vibes will be less, and less noticeable. here is a video of my 500 with a vibe issue. Notice the blade grips?
and now look at this video... this is the heli flying low head speed with a vibe...notice the chipping?
and here it is high head speed, vibe free.
hope this helps some.