Hello all, I bought a WASP280 and failed terribly because I obviously did not know what I was doing. I attempted to power my WASP with Turnigy 1811 2900kv motors, Plush 6A ESCs, 5030 props, and Naze32 FC board (with Baseflight), 1300 mAh Zippy 2S LiPo. Just can't get it stable and lacks power. Then I found this thread.
I have some SunnySky X2204 2300kv motors and HK Blue Series 12A ESCs I was going to give a try.
Can any of you share perspective if X2204 2300kv motors with these ESCs would be acceptable on the WASP?
Really appreciate all the info Craig & Rod, you have been very helpful. Thanks for sharing so a newbee like me can get a kick start.