What Would You Change?


Staff member
That would be an issue with the cookies on your computer. Also make sure you are typing in the "www" in front of the address and make sure if you have a bookmark, that it as well has the "www" in front. If you don't, I have seen issues arise from this. Make sure to go into your internet settings and put down "http://www.Rc-Help.com as a trusted site.

Oh, and if you are signing in up at the top, the "Remember Me" box is already checked by default. Let me know if you get it figured out.


Staff member

Here is an idea for you if it's possible and you like it...

A "Like" feature for posts... It is similar but different than a reputation in that it is more directed at a specific post than it is towards the users rep. though it would also count in that there would be a tally of the number of "likes" the user has received. I've also seen this as a "Thank" feature but it appears to work in the same manner.

Examples of this can be found on the ECF forum here E-Cigarette Forum ( as a like ) and Android Forums here Android Forums ( as a thank )

Neither are big deals but are nice features to have which are a quick way to say you like or wish to thank someone for their post without having to make a new post in order to do it.

I actually used to have something like this on here, and I like the idea. I will see what I can do about installing it right now. And I have no idea why this forum moderated this post. This is the first one to be moderated since I made the changes. I will look into that as well. Let me know if it happens again. As for the Like/Thanks button, working on it and it should be live tonight.

- - - Updated - - -

Post Thanks Has Been Added! Thanks Randy for reminding me of this. Great Hack!

Chris O'Hara

Thermal Padawan
Tony why can't I edit my posts? It's a nice feature to have especially when you want to fix spelling errors or explain something better than you could before. Just a thought - thanks


Staff member
If I remember correctly, you will have the ability to edit when you hit 100 posts. It's a safety feature so new members don't go off the wall, then edit it before I can see it. And if you want to update, if you post a new reply within 20 minutes of your last post on that thread, it will include it with your last post.
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