Hey Ken,
Haven't heard from you for a while, how's your bird going? Have you fixed it?
As for myself, did my 8 first constructive packs tonight, i am now, able to do circuits (simple oval) the width i want them to be, as fast or slow, i guess you can imagine how i am feeling right now

i am not nervous anymore so far, no matter which way i fly.. i am getting so calm now that i merly crashed, bringing it back circuit i gave too much negative pitch because of sun blinded for a few sec and flew a bit too low, but cool enough to keep it straigh leveling the blade and nose then giving her full positive pitch to gain altitude (let's say i was about two feet over the laboured corn field, if i do this in september i will get mashed corn lol) What happened to me was almost exatly like your crash video, i was sun blinded a few sec and made me get way too low, thank god i had the reflex to give positive pitch when i got dazed instead of panicting like i used to. Weather is supposed to be nice tomorow, so i presume there will be people at the flying field, i might be able to get a vid, i wanted to train while being alone, didn't wanna fly circuits with people around when not used to it or control the turns. Sad you're that far, it would had been fun flying with you.
Take care