GeoffWill - new member


New Member
I am a newish heli flyer. My first was an mSRX & I have now have a nano CPX which is just rebuilt with new mainframe & swash plate, blade grips.
The mSRX is rebuilt as well with new mainframe & landing gear which seem to be quite fragile on both helis.
The nano seems unstable on first attempted flight after rebuild but I am hoping a re bind might sort that out.
U may post more questions or check other posts if the nano goes screwy again.
One question now - do most people use lock tight or similar on screws after a rebuild?
I have just lost a tail gear/mainframe screw & a landing gear screw on the mSRX & find it frustrating that I am not not sure hat other screw to use:(
Any comments out there?


Well-Known Member
Welcome from Chicago USA, Geoff.
Loctite is always wise on the parts that vibrate. But on a small heli like that I would use the soft stuff and just a tiny bit.
Hope to see some pic's!


Well-Known Member
WElcome aboard, Geoff!

- - - Updated - - -

And loctite only on screws going into metal. On screws into plastic use CA/superglue. Zap goo, or some other glue that remains flexible after curing, can be useful on these small helis, too. In particular I've used it for skid repairs, canopy repairs, frame repairs, holding gears onto shafts (when the gear wasn't secured by any screw), securing spindle nuts to shafts (nano cpx spindle nuts in particular), and securing connectors to control boards or motor plugs (like the tail motor connectors).


New Member
Welcome from Chicago USA, Geoff.
Loctite is always wise on the parts that vibrate. But on a small heli like that I would use the soft stuff and just a tiny bit.
Hope to see some pic's!
Hi EyeStation & povolcko,
Thanks for your very prompt replys & advice.
Soft stuff = a rubber glue? & Loctite onto the thread or the head of the screw?Is CA/superglue the same product or two possibilities.
Forgive the basic questions, I do shut up & get on with it after a while!
I must admit I'm not the most practical of people,s o it is all a learning curve.
I have spent time here putting on new landing gear(carbon fibre) on the Nano & then tried it out only to have it fly very unstable & have a crash from minimal height & I find my nice gold RKH mainframe is bent below & behind the antirotation guide & two small screws from in front of that are missing, so back to eBay!
I may pull it down & bend it back into position, when I get some time.
Thank goodness the trusty mSRX flies, it is tough with aftermarket parts!!
Thanks again, it is great to know people are out there so ready to help the newbie.
My plans are to get a bit(lot) better on the Nano & then get a bigger more stable CP hell.
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