My name is Ron,i am into r/c since the mid eighties,on and off.Started with a Off Road 4wheel drive Ninja,made by Marui,what a blast that was.
About 6or7 years ago i bought an AeroBird,fun fun,after my buddy saw it,he had to trump me with a helicopter.He bought the Blade CP,so...i had to buy one too.
Big mistake,should have bought a fixed pitch first.Anyhow,after about 2 month of daily practice(3-4 batteries) i was able to hover it tail in,awesome,never got it past side view hover,never flew circles,just crashed.
Dont wonna think about the money i spend to get there,had no flightsim.
My buddy was never able to hover it,he upgraded to a T-Rex,but it just got more expencive.After he past away a few years ago,i totaly got out of the hobby.(rest his soul in piece)
Last christmas my groccerie store sold a 3 channel micro heli for 18 bucks,it looked just like my Blade CP,so i said what the heck and bought one.First i was confused by the different control(right stick).After realizing that you only have to throttle it and steer away from things,i could do nose in hovers and fly circles,wow,thats when the heli bug bit me again.
So,next day i am going to the hobby store and buy me a Blade CMX2,a week later a Blade MSR and a DXi6,3 weeks ago a Nano CPX and finally a Nano QX.
The Nano cpx is my favorite,after about 100 flights my motor finally gave up,had to help on spullup,no power and it sounded funny,so i changed it.Looking forward to the test flight,i was disapointed that after a few seconds it started to do the same thing,no power.
So after reading here on the forum (thanks guys)that you should brake in the motor to get full power,i finished the batterie hovering,while later tried another batterie,but it got worse,figured that i got a new bad motor.
This morning,after reading here about cracked boards and stuff,i decided to give it another look,peel off the body and first thing i see is the motor plug came out,guess just the tips of the plug connected slidly.
After rubber cementing it to the board(didnt knew i had to) all is good again,flys like new.
Still can only hover the cpx like i did my cp,but i can do nose ins,circles and 8's with my msr.Just waiting for a calm day to take 'em outside.
Glad i keeped my Blade cp,Blade CP Pro which is almost new,crashed only once,just broken landing gear,still got a bunch of parts for them,almost gave it all away a few years ago.I also have an unfinished Thunder Tiger e325 3D,which i HAD to buy to compete with my buddys T-Rex.
So you guys have fun and GO BRONCOS GO.
About 6or7 years ago i bought an AeroBird,fun fun,after my buddy saw it,he had to trump me with a helicopter.He bought the Blade CP,so...i had to buy one too.
Big mistake,should have bought a fixed pitch first.Anyhow,after about 2 month of daily practice(3-4 batteries) i was able to hover it tail in,awesome,never got it past side view hover,never flew circles,just crashed.
My buddy was never able to hover it,he upgraded to a T-Rex,but it just got more expencive.After he past away a few years ago,i totaly got out of the hobby.(rest his soul in piece)
Last christmas my groccerie store sold a 3 channel micro heli for 18 bucks,it looked just like my Blade CP,so i said what the heck and bought one.First i was confused by the different control(right stick).After realizing that you only have to throttle it and steer away from things,i could do nose in hovers and fly circles,wow,thats when the heli bug bit me again.
So,next day i am going to the hobby store and buy me a Blade CMX2,a week later a Blade MSR and a DXi6,3 weeks ago a Nano CPX and finally a Nano QX.
The Nano cpx is my favorite,after about 100 flights my motor finally gave up,had to help on spullup,no power and it sounded funny,so i changed it.Looking forward to the test flight,i was disapointed that after a few seconds it started to do the same thing,no power.
So after reading here on the forum (thanks guys)that you should brake in the motor to get full power,i finished the batterie hovering,while later tried another batterie,but it got worse,figured that i got a new bad motor.
This morning,after reading here about cracked boards and stuff,i decided to give it another look,peel off the body and first thing i see is the motor plug came out,guess just the tips of the plug connected slidly.
After rubber cementing it to the board(didnt knew i had to) all is good again,flys like new.
Still can only hover the cpx like i did my cp,but i can do nose ins,circles and 8's with my msr.Just waiting for a calm day to take 'em outside.
Glad i keeped my Blade cp,Blade CP Pro which is almost new,crashed only once,just broken landing gear,still got a bunch of parts for them,almost gave it all away a few years ago.I also have an unfinished Thunder Tiger e325 3D,which i HAD to buy to compete with my buddys T-Rex.
So you guys have fun and GO BRONCOS GO.