Having walked into a model shop for the first time in years, things have indeed changed. No more smell of balsa glue, no more smell of dope and most of the planes are foam. No more Enya engines. I do miss the balsa kits, I suppose the interest in model making like this has gone mostly because of the time constraints and people prefer to fly than build.
The best thing is, the electric systems have improved out of sight compared to the '80s. Smaller, lighter AC type motors with PWM control, replacing the old, heavy DC motors. It also looks cheaper to buy compared to years ago.
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I forgot to say thank you for the welcome Admiral.
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Hello Barge, thank you for your welcome, I live down the other end of Adelaide, near the McLaren Vale wine district. It to has some excellent wines and a vibrant viticulture. Like the Barossa, there is also local produce including olive oil, cheeses and Ligurian Bee honey only found on Kangaroo Island.
I hope the flight sim will bring back the "mechanical memory" of plane orientation to the transmitter sticks. Glad to hear of the generosity of RC Help's members, I wouldn't have thought otherwise.
My team in the SANFL is Port Adelaide, the REAL ONE. The AFL is the Power, by reluctant default. I am one of the Port supporters who wants our Magpie colours to be our AFL colours, a bit of a sore point.
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Hello Stambo, thanks for your reply. Yes, I hope the flight sim will be as good as the reviews claim it is. It was a toss up between the Real Flight or the Phoenix. The Phoenix had the advantage that it was imported by Model Flight who are Horizon importers. Since I had the DX9 already, it also meant I just had to plug it in. I liked the Phoenix for it's free upgrades too.
Users of flight sims, claim that they have actually saved money by avoiding costly model damage as they have learnt what they needed before taking the model out. That is encouraging.
Thanks for the invitation for a "fly in" online. That will be something to look forward to. What sim plane are you learning on, is the Apprentice 15s with the SAFE mode turned right up? This is the plane I will be learning on. It and a Revolectrix charger will complete the basic set up.
I purchased a DuBro prop balancer as well to prolong the motor and the airframe life by static prop balancing.
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Hello Graham, thank you for your reply. I just searched on Kinlochleven and immediately noticed the topography of land by the accompanying photos. Not only is a beautiful place, but......
Excellent GLIDING SLOPES and plenty of them. Do you do gliding, more specifically, PSS models?
Here's an interesting fact, Kinlochleven was the first town in the world to have all of it's residents connected to mains power when the hydro scheme went online. Courtesy of Wikipedia. Yes, OK, I cheated.