Batteries 11.1v 2200mah


Staff member
As your battery is charging, on the lower right of the screen, there is a series of numbers. This is the mah that is going back into the battery.
Ok I see that Tony so how do u relate those numbers to mah , the last pack took 17 mins for a full charge and the capacity of charge numbers were about 790 I think?


Staff member
There is no "relate". The number that is shows on the lower right is the actual mah that you are putting back into the battery pack. Don't go over about 1800 on that number. Anything below that, you can raise your flight times, above that, you need to lower your flight times. As for minutes to charge, that is all going to depend on yoru charge rate.
Ok I'm thinking that on a 2200mah that number should reach about 1700 or so to put back 80% am I on the right track Tony?
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