What your both saying makes perfect sense, i just didn't get it because what i'm seeing doesn't match the video, in fact it's opposite- the video says the red goes front right and left rear, and that's the way i put it. I don't remember if the video said or if i remember from somewhere else- the front right and rear left are CCW, the others are CW. So putting those two together and applying it to my own hardware, when i put the propellers on, spinning the left front propeller loosens the nut. So i just need to reverse direction on each motor? Hopefully it won't cause a problem with the cc3d, or maybe that's all addressed during the setup.
I was expecting after pushing the propeller down all the way on the shaft, it would lock into the shaft so that it was forced to turn when the motor turns, but the nut is the only thing holding it down, if it's even a little loose it'll spin freely.
Thanks for explaining that.
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The propellers that came with the kit include small cylinder shaped pieces, they don't fit over the shaft on the motor but do fit inside the hole on the propeller. The extra propellers i ordered don't have that part. I don't see them mentioned so far in any of the tuts or videos i've seen.
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I should clarify that, i have the motors mounted like in the video - red on front right and left rear, black on the others. Like this, if i put a prop on the left front motor and tighten the black nut down, the prop is on firmly, If i hold the motor enclosure and spin the prop clockwise, which is the direction that motor should spin if i'm reading right, it loosens the nut.