Thanks guys. Got another one uploading now.
NEed to work on inverted tail in hovering. I have nose in inverted pretty well covered, but tail in still gets me. One of the reasons I'm hesitant to go back to practicing just the top half of the the half piro flips.
My Tx setting changes for roll rate adjustment are doing great. My half piro flips are much more balanced. When I fall through them now it is pretty much always because I don't put enough negative collective in or stay at neutral and let it fall through since I'm concentrating on getting the stir matched up to the piro rate. Prior to the changes I was getting maybe 1 flip per second (actually think it was less) out of it at full stick, yet rudder full stick was easily 2 rotations/sec. Too far out of balance for my stubby fingers to manage.

I've got the roll rate up a bit now, maybe 1.5/sec. Have expo set pretty well, still tweaking that. But the better balance has helped my stir vs piro immensely.
Going to go back to the top halfs only, though. Need to get that locked in and get the practice on inverted tail in so it becomes a bit more automatic. I'm having to pre-think the orientation each time and bail from it too easily.
Also liking the small, slow mini loops. It's helping my collective control immensely, the point it is helping my management during tic-tocs and mini-rainbows too. Even starting to pop the stops on them.
- - - Updated - - -
Speak of the devil: Flight 82
A few mini loops. Some big forward and backward loops, care given to completing them rather than cutting short. Half piro flips. And some loops and rolls that were boring and not too well done at the beginning which I cut.