So those first few flights were great while tweaking things.
I didn't like the soldering joint on one of my BEC wires as I needed to do that behind the Xt 150 plug and felt it would weaken over time the way it was sitting. I just kept picturing it falling out of the sky one day so cut off the bullet yesterday and redid that end.
I must say if your going to solder mid-wire like that, practice makes perfect and I did it at least 3 times prior to hacking up the ESC wires. I'm happy with the final result.
Also, had one of the xt 150 bullet covers not really lock to the bullet on the other side of the ESC properly.I'm assuming I slid it up when the bullet was still a little hot and may have rounded off the edge that holds those covers on due to the heat. That's done and solid now as well.
Lastly due to the configuration (mid wire soldering) I could not heat shrink these wires properly or neatly so discovered liquid electrical tape. Learn something new everyday . I wouldn't use it for every situation but it really did the trick here and every situation and need is different. We just need to match the right solution to the right problem and your golden.