700 700 Final Electronics Esc,bec, Gyro Guidance Required.


Lol no issue at all my man.... I'm going to go tomorrow so will go easy and see what it looks like.. I triple checked everything else. Should be ok.
Its my first flight with a bird this size.

Gonna lug out the generator also so I can recharge maybe get in 3 or 4 flights on it if everything works out.

Wanted to get the confirmation if possible about the purple. Im pretty confident it should be ok based on my understanding of what that step is asking. Very similar to the 6 degrees section.. like I said ive flown my 450 in the red for years with out issue as some of you have also done.

Let you know how it turns out.


Well its official, purple is indeed more than flyable. Blue is optimal, but I saw no difference in performance at least for my level of flight.
Maiden done, I'm impressed with this bird.
I dropped the governed head speed to a max of 2050 at I2 and was coming out of 4:30 minute flights at 3.82 per cell on the packs.


Staff member
Okay, I missed some posts in here. Sorry about that everyone. Glad you got it figured out though. And finding what flight time takes your packs directly to storage charge is nice lol.


So those first few flights were great while tweaking things.

I didn't like the soldering joint on one of my BEC wires as I needed to do that behind the Xt 150 plug and felt it would weaken over time the way it was sitting. I just kept picturing it falling out of the sky one day so cut off the bullet yesterday and redid that end.
I must say if your going to solder mid-wire like that, practice makes perfect and I did it at least 3 times prior to hacking up the ESC wires. I'm happy with the final result.:adjoint:

Also, had one of the xt 150 bullet covers not really lock to the bullet on the other side of the ESC properly.I'm assuming I slid it up when the bullet was still a little hot and may have rounded off the edge that holds those covers on due to the heat. That's done and solid now as well.

Lastly due to the configuration (mid wire soldering) I could not heat shrink these wires properly or neatly so discovered liquid electrical tape. Learn something new everyday . I wouldn't use it for every situation but it really did the trick here and every situation and need is different. We just need to match the right solution to the right problem and your golden.:biglaugh:


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Staff member
I have always just used heat shrink to cover it. You can get it with glue on the inside of it that will keep it from slipping and make it water tight if you squeeze it together. But what you did there is also just fine. As long as it's working the way you want and it's secured, that is what matters.


Agreed Tony, I could have put heat shrink on it. It was considered and would have been my first choice, but I didn't want to stretch it over the bullet cover because of the size. I realized that it would have been quite the task and would still leave that gap on the back side.
The only down side to this liquid stuff, is it can not be removed so if your going the rework something as I had to you'll need to cut the wire and re-strip a new section.


Well flew yesterday at our club fun fly and was hands down the best flying I have ever done. smooth controlled zero nerves and even while flying some new maneuvers (with success) just loving the way a couple of my birds handle.


Ha, yeah ill try but that requires some one filming and honestly every time I have asked someone, it comes out like crap, out of focus half in shot half out. Capturing the take off and landing perfectly, but almost none of my mediocre flight skills. :biglaugh: I actually tried to upload a picture here and got a security error message, not sure whats wrong.


Staff member
Did you ever get that security message? Let me know and I will look into it. I didn't have any server warnings this morning so not sure what is going on. Try to upload again and see if you can reproduce the issue.


It's a great idea my man, but im not willing to spend the time and bucks on all the paraphenelia to get it done. To boot, my flying barely warrants filming.
Ill find some one with steady hands one day.


Staff member
I just drilled a hole in an old hat and stuck a 1/4-20 bolt through it and screwed the camera onto that lol.
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