Ok, for all you old hands at this don't laugh too much, I know this is small beans for your skills but I gotta start somewhere. Got all 3 servos installed and working, yeah!!! The google method of gluing was a bust but I managed to get a minimum of glue on my fingers and only got stuck to the servo horn once. Got everything put back together and discovered a good use for one of the old servos, home made bind plug, score. Bound the heli to my dx6i (instead of the one that came with the rtf kit) and checked it all out. The swash goes up when I give up collective, the swash wiggles the right direction when I give cyclic, everything's almost golden. There are two issues remaining. The swash is WAY out of level, and the linkages are at what I would consider pretty extreme angles. After getting everything put together it was obvious I should have put the ball links on the inside of servo horns, the new servos stick out a bit farther than the stock ones did. Nothing binds, but they are definitely not straight up and down like they used to be. Maybe it won't be a big deal, but if it turns into a problem I will pull them apart and put the ball links on the inside of the horns. Hopefully Tony can help me get the swash level Saturday, I think it just needs some links extended and shortened. So, that is the saga of my first major heli overhaul, hope I didn't bore y'all too much.