If the swash is tilting forward at full stick, adn back at low stick, then this is normal with the 3GX. It's a pitch compensation. If you think about it, in fact you can hold the helicopter by the main shaft and recreate what it's doing. If you go full stick (pull the helicopter straight up), the tail is going to drop, so the 3GX adds some forward cyclic to compensate. The opposite is true for forcing it downward. Of course, this all depends on where your CoG is located. In the menu on the 3GX (computer), you can go in and adjust these values. But, I would start off stock at first.
Please be careful when you first try to take this bird into the air. The 3GX is very temperamental and you never know what it's going to do. This is why most have went to the BX or the ikon for more stability and predictability.
Welcome to RCH! If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to post up and ask. We are always here to help.