good idea!You must have a spare RX pack around from your gliders. Plug the RX pack in and remove the red wire from the ESC. Then spin up the heli and see if it browns out. That will tell you for sure if its the esc.
When you did the RX pack test, did you unplug the red lead from the ESC? Sorry if this is a dumb question and i'm teaching you to suck eggsJust want to get this sorted for you.
Yes Lee is right I have held the blade grips to stall servos I have even put sponge on the servo arms to make them work harder and it does not cause the rx to brown out. What does cause the brown out to stop. I removed the plastic blades from the grips and ran up the motor to full without blades and I had no brown out. I replaced the bladed ran up the motor to just over half throttle I get brown out. I changed the motor back to a smaller one and do the same blades on, blades off. With the bladed off I get a good run with the bladed on I get brown out. I can not see whats going on here. It very, very strange. If I get time tomorrow I will do a video. I thought the plastic blades maybe getting some strange vibration. The blade ends do look as if they are not running right and I do not mean tracking but it could be my eyes playing tricks. Also the head as developed a definite wobble at low revs so I am going to take every thing apart and have a look at the main shaft. There is something amiss but to my noob eyes I am missing it. Thanks for all suggestions. I forgot to mention battery in list which is Turnigy 2200MHa 11.1v 30/40c. Cheers
Lee, could the 3A and 55A be regarding the BEC/ESC respectively?