Power Supply's Dell Poweredge 2850 Mod


Well-Known Member
Couldn't I just clip the pins I don't need and wire the rest up then cover with a blob of hot glue? The 7000814 is a bit different than mine. I'll take a photo of the internals.


Well-Known Member
There's this one too. It may be the same.



Well-Known Member
I found this image on google. I decided to give it a try and it works. There is a switch you can add to slow down the fan. Man this thing is loud.

Would it be best to connect all ground together and all positive together to get better current flow? In my eyes, the more tabs you have connected together the better...maybe overkill.

Pin Connections Z750P-00.jpg


Staff member
That picture I posted had the fan wired cleaner than that. No need for a switch, if the PSU needs to cool off because it is getting too hot, it will override that jumper.


Well-Known Member
I got it wired up. I need to get some banana plugs now. I ordered some 10ga silicone wire so i can have the connections mo eable. I will be putting this setup in a case...somehow.


Well-Known Member
I wired mine with a switch to turn it on/off. I also wired the fan speed pin with the switch so it's slow at startup.


Well-Known Member
I left my PSU plugged in and went to town. I was gone for about an hour or so. I just felt the case of the PSU and it was warm. This doesn't seem normal.


Staff member
Like I said, there is no need for a switch. Just wiring B2 to ground will slow that fan down and it will speed up when it needs to cool off. In your case, I'm not sure it will ever kick on high.


Well-Known Member
I looked at my sheet and I think I know why the case was warm, at least I think I know. I have A1 (PS_KILL) and B1 (Logic Return (aka ground)) always connected. Does this cause the system to be 'On' all the time?


Staff member
Yes, PS_KILL to ground will turn the PSU on. If you want to put a switch on that one, it will turn it off. PS_KILL is also your 3.3 volt which you can access through the small pins. PS_ON is how you turn on your 12v rail and energize the large spades. This one is also connected to the same ground (logic return) as PS_KILL. Then, Pin B2 is also connected to the same ground to slow down the fan so you don't lose your hearing.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So if I connect PS_KILL and PS_ON, then switch them to ground, I should be ok? I will do some testing. It seems that I had the 3.3v energized and the fan was not running as the system didn't know to turn on. That may explain the warmer than normal case which cooled down quickly when switched on.

Stay tuned to this thread for more updates.


Staff member
I take it you received an email? There was a spam post that Randy reported and Matt deleted and banned. First spam post in a very long time.

Shankar T

New Member
Ok. So if I connect PS_KILL and PS_ON, then switch them to ground, I should be ok? I will do some testing. It seems that I had the 3.3v energized and the fan was not running as the system didn't know to turn on. That may explain the warmer than normal case which cooled down quickly when switched on.

Stay tuned to this thread for more updates.
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