I am rather disappointed with the servos that I put on my biplane. I had some Detrum 9gram servos, from HobbyPartz.com, laying around. I bought them a while ago with intentions of doing another RCH Trainer but I never did. So, the servos had never been used, just sitting around. Along came my biplane project and I put the Detrum servos on the biplane. Well, that's all fine and dandy...until tonight. I started locating the cg and I was messing with this and that. Then I noticed that the elevator, although centered, was sitting low...as if giving an input to push the nose down. That's odd. So, I popped off the servo arm, recentered it, and started messing with the the plane again. Then I noticed that the rudder was sitting to the left. That's odd. Speeding the story up a bit...the servos had stripped. Unbelieveable!!! I would have been very disappointed if I had flown this plane and had that happen. Surely the plane would have crashed miserably.
Luckily...Hobby King to the rescue, lmao...I have some HXT900 servos here now. I think I have 13 of them now. These things are cheap and they have yet to let me down on these lil foamies. So, instead of cleaning up the garage, I'm tossing the Detrum servos and installing the HXT900's and getting everything recentered. Ugh!!!