Electric outrunnerCessna bird dog maiden flight issue


Welcome to the forum. I'm surprised that the building plans didn't explain how to set the CofG, it is the most important setup of any new aircraft along with the centring of the control surfaces. Always climb to 2 mistakes high, around 50ft before levelling out, it gives you a bit of time to get the aircraft under control if it's flying like a dog.

Good luck with the next sortie.


New Member
Welcome to the forum. I'm surprised that the building plans didn't explain how to set the CofG, it is the most important setup of any new aircraft along with the centring of the control surfaces. Always climb to 2 mistakes high, around 50ft before levelling out, it gives you a bit of time to get the aircraft under control if it's flying like a dog.

Good luck with the next sortie.

Hi Barge,

The plans did come with C of G explanation but being my first build I had some trouble understanding some of it. I ended up building some parts particularlky the nose area from my head nas the plan wasn't so clear. Obviously having a plane slightly different from the plan caused some C of G issue but fortunately not too much. The biggest problem was with the control throws as I had set them up with way too much movement and found it very hard to control in the air. Everything now is sorted so fingers crossed it will continue to fly as a it should.
Thanks for leaving a comment and welcoming me to the forum. All the best.
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