Right now, I just have two rates in the DX9. I run my low rate at 55% with 45% expo. It will be some time before I am comfortable with 3D to start moving up. I will probably set at even lower rate for sport flying and run the low rat I have now as a mid rate. I do like the plane, it handles well. As a newer RC pilot, I plant to build some more experience on the sim with 3D and when I'm more comfortable, will slowly incorporate the moves into my flying on the Edge.
It has a lot of wing area, much more than the Apprentice. I started to get windy yesterday, and it really made a difference on the Edge. I feel comfortable flying the Apprentice in 20-25 mph winds, but I was feeling a little squirrely with the Edge at 12-15 mph. As I get more confidence flying it, I'm sure it will feel better in the wind. So far, I really like it. It seems to have plenty of power on 3S for now... I had it trimmed out at about half throttle. Vertical performance seemed to be adequate. I'm sure it will scream on 4S! Smoggie, I ended up going with the Torque 2814/820 with the 45A ESC.