When you refer to 'the queue' do you mean the slider on the tail shaft?.. If so this is 100% normal behavior for a heading hold gyro.but nothing the queue when i'm in HEADINGLOCK MODE and i rotate the stik to the right the queue goes to the right when i release the stik. the tail remains to the right and never returns to the center.
I don't know what it can be anymore.
Hello,When you refer to 'the queue' do you mean the slider on the tail shaft?.. If so this is 100% normal behavior for a heading hold gyro.
The reason - When you move the stick you put a right yaw command into the FBL, the slider will stay over until the heli achieves that commanded right yaw. Of course if the heli is sitting stationary on the bench the heli never never turns, so the slider stays 'stuck' fully over. If you manually turn the heli to simulate how it would react in flight then the slider should go back to center.
If you move the stick right, the NOSE should go right not the tailwhen I turn the stik to the right the helicopter begins to rotate its tail to the right.
yes sorry you are rightIf you move the stick right, the NOSE should go right not the tail
Hello tell me something,I still dont know what you mean by 'the queue'
There is nothing on a heli called a queue. Do you mean the slider that moves along the tail shaft?
Like I said before, when in heading hold mode and on the bench the slider should stay over after you move the stick left or right. This is normal and correct for a heading hold gyro. If the slider returns automatically to center then you must have put the gyro into rate mode. Heading hold is recommended, rate mode is harder to fly because the tail will drift.
Grazie per la vostra pazienzaTorniamo al video che hai postato con l'elicottero in panchina, in quel video tutto sembra funzionare come dovrebbe. Sarebbe possibile avere un video dei problemi che hai avuto in volo? Se è troppo rischioso, allora non farlo, ma stiamo avendo problemi a capire esattamente cosa sta succedendo quando provi a farlo volare. le lame rimangono nella posizione in cui le metti solo quando sono in presa di rotta....
Hello tell me something,
your tail rotor how it works.
in normal mode:
are the blades in the center?
when you turn the stick to the right and then release it do the paddles go to the right and then return to the center or do they stay to the right?
and in Heding Lock mode:
are the blades in the center when you turn on?
when you turn the stick to the right and then release it do the paddles go to the right and then return to the center or do they stay to the right?
With the 3gx tail rotor, the blades always returned to center.
from what I understand with this the blades remain in the position where you put them.
did I get it right?
i saw the video."vorrei capire se il tuo. quando muovi il bastoncino a destra, ruota il naso a destra. se lasci andare il bastoncino e torni al centro, la volata si ferma o continua a ruotare. ?"
That's an interesting question, I believe in heading hold when you let go of the stick the nose will stop where you point it and try to hold that heading. Are you saying when your nose goes left you give a right command but the nose continues to go left? Not to beat a dyeing horse but are you SURE all your sub trims are turned off?