Active Member
That must be a pretty heavy duty cover!
It's glass fiber. So it does add some protection to the boom.
As for the state of the X3. Went out and to fly and video. I got everything setup, camera on the hat, heli programmed and ready to fly. So I started the flight and after about a minute or so I had to remove my sunglasses. They affected my vision, need new glasses. Got it back up and flew for about another 2 or so minutes. Things were going great. Then I bumped the throttle hold and had to do auto. Now this kit is heavy and lost blade speed quickly. Had a hard landing and busted the skids and a servo output shaft. Everything else appears to be fine.
I was flying my vcontrol and that thing is just beast. Thus issue was due to me and not the radio. I have my switches set in such a way that I need to reconsider how they are programmed. I also need to investigate the auto bailout on the Vbar neo governor.
I need to start work now so if you got any question let me know.
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Got parts????
Okay so I got all these parts but yet I still can't fly. So I will still need to get the servo gears for the gaui and blades for the 180cfx.