Getting back in the saddle


New Member
I am getting back into RC after a 20ish year hiatus. Wow how things have changed. Back in the day I was a Sig/Futaba guy. Futaba 7 channel FM and a couple of 4 channel am's. Taught myself how to fly on a Carl Coldberg Gentle lady, Then moved up to a Sig Kadet and on to the Sig Kavalier..really enjoyed that one until i dumb thumbed it when practicing inverted flight and drove it straight in the ground at full throttle no less. (OUCH!!!).. Since then family and other responibilites have taken me away from RC.

Currently: My DX8 arrives today and I have realflight and pheonix flight sims that I will be connecting it to as I want to have a couple of heli's and aircraft in my upcoming fleet. As for planes...I really like the feel of the ultimate biplane in realflight and the Cap580... I like the electrics as I have a had enough nitro from back in the day. As for heli's ... I currently have a blade cp+ that has been in the box for the last 3 years and will bring it out and dust it off so that I can learn heli setup with my DX8. As for other heli's... I am drawn to the T-Rex 450E.


Well-Known Member
Hey there Wayne, Welcome to the Forum and back to RC. I got started as a ground pounder in the early '80's. about 5 years back I moved a box in the garage and found all my old HPI stuff. Needless to say the updating of electronics, motors and batteries started. Back last fall, 3 of us got Phoenix to get ourselves up in the air properly. Since then, have built a couple of the RC-Help foamies, Lawn darted a Sig Kadet, Put many hours on a mCPx, picked up a TRex 450xl, and another Tarot/Align 450 FBL. and most recently found the fun of the Blade 130x, which has become my go-to training bird.
And I can tell you personally, I would not have made it this far flying without the help of this forum.
Watch the forum for members gathering online for Phoenix SIM fun and training. RC-Help will be the online field, RCH will be the password. Come on out and have some fun.
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum, Wayne! Welcome back to the rc world! That DX8 is an awesome tx. I have one, myself. A Trex 450 is a great little flyer. Doesn't cost much to maintain. Doesn't cost much to repair. You said that you have the Phoenix Sim. There is a multiplayer feature on that sim, as well as the Real Flight. If you'd like some company while flying online, find the Simulator section of the forum and post a message in the Phoenix Sim area. Let the members know that you are online and it's possible that others will join you....quite possibly me. Now, I'm certainly not the best rc pilot on the forum but I enjoy a good flight session with other pilots.

I'll see ya around buddy!!!


New Member
Hey EyeStation,

Thanks for the welcome, I look forward to being 'plugged in' to this forum as I find my way back into this hobby. This will definitely be different then my initial experience in RC. When I started in RC it was me, alot of time on my hands, a love of building, a dream of flying and a 100 acres (the wheat farm that I grew up on in central Texas, which I found out worked very nice as no there are no trees or buildings to jump out and attack your plane. : ) Got pretty good at landing as the only level spot on the farm that I could land was 200 ft strip with disc harrow at one end and goose neck trailer at the other). That said, I have only been to an official RC flying field 3 times in my life, they kind of overwhelm me 1) because the protocols and such and 2) I am not used to or I have a fear of people watching me fly.

Thanks so much for the invite to the online Pheonix SIM fun and training. I will definitely take you up on your invitation as I have to get over this irrational fear of flying in front of other people that I've got. What better place to overcome it than in a simulated world. PERFECT!

Look forward to seeing you out at the field.
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