General Giro help.


Well-Known Member
Yes toggle the switch 3 - 4 times ending in pos 0, this will put you into servo select mode, what servo are you using
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Active Member
Unfortunately this is the problem. It will not go into the servo select mode so I think there must be something wrong.


Active Member
Thanks Slobberdog I will give it another go tomorrow. I'm all toggled out at the moment. LOL Thanks again for your kind help.


Staff member
It doesn't matter what position you stop in when you are toggling the gain switch. Just as long as you toggle it 3 or MORE times when it's flashing, or initializing. Make sure you DO NOT have a servo hooked up to it until AFTER you set the servo band. Just to be safe.

As stated, put your gain at 0=65 1=35 and ONLY toggle from position 0 to 1, don't go into position 2.

On the gyro plug, the one with 3 wires will go into channel 4 and the single wire will go into channel 5. The wire should be on the SIGNAL port and NOT the ground port. This may be where your issue is. Only one way to find out though. and that is to check it.

Once you check all of that, try to get into it again and let us know how it goes.


Active Member
It doesn't matter what position you stop in when you are toggling the gain switch. Just as long as you toggle it 3 or MORE times when it's flashing, or initializing. Make sure you DO NOT have a servo hooked up to it until AFTER you set the servo band. Just to be safe.

As stated, put your gain at 0=65 1=35 and ONLY toggle from position 0 to 1, don't go into position 2.

On the gyro plug, the one with 3 wires will go into channel 4 and the single wire will go into channel 5. The wire should be on the SIGNAL port and NOT the ground port. This may be where your issue is. Only one way to find out though. and that is to check it.

Once you check all of that, try to get into it again and let us know how it goes.

Thanks Tony for the info and suggestions. There is no single wire on any of the plugs. The red plug is colour coded the same as the black plug i.e. yellow, red and brown. the plug with female plug I presume for the rudder servo is green, red and brown. If anyone else has a suggestion any thoughts at this time would be appreciated. Just an aside the company I brought this from on ebay their phone is now disconnected. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
What some of the guys have been saying further back in this thread; make sure you are plugging the connectors in the right way.

On the RX you'll notice there are three pins; plus, ground and signal. If you by any chance may have put the connector in the wrong way, you'll have the signal lead in the ground pin and vice versa.

Look on your Rx, you'll see small marking for what's what: + for plus - for ground and a sort of bracket symbol for the signal. Make sure the red lead goes into plus when connecting the connector.


Well-Known Member
Tony early on in this tread i copied a link for the manual see if you can see anything i might have missed while trying to give my suggestions.

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Marius the blue flashing lights followed by the blue light suggests its working and plugged in correct but he cant get into servo set mode from there.


Well-Known Member
Marius the blue flashing lights followed by the blue light suggests its working and plugged in correct but he cant get into servo set mode from there.

Oh, alright. I don't have any experience with those tail gyros - only FBL systems LOL


Well-Known Member
Here is the manual for anyone wanting to help.
Assan 250 gyro Manual
Can you take some pics of the set up menus in you TX so we can make sure you have everything the way it should be?
Gyro menu pics and a pic of your RX plugged into the gyro.
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Well-Known Member
If it really is that quick, can't you get someone else to plug it in while you do the toggling?


Active Member
If it really is that quick, can't you get someone else to plug it in while you do the toggling?

Thanks Lee, yes tried that and everything else. I tried to upload a picture here but it just crashes my imac so I do not know whats going on. The gyro is not meant to fly on the helicopter and is now on the way to that big bin in the sky. Another load of chunk from ebay. I did in the end get the gyro flashing with enough time to flick the switch back and forth 3 or more times but made no difference. The blue light flashed for about 2 seconds then just went to solid blue. I just could not get it into the servo set up mode. Has the say in France, selavi here in Wales I think the term is F--- it.


Well-Known Member
Well if you ever want to post it to Spain for me to look at, feel free. I never like to give up on something :D


Active Member
Well if you ever want to post it to Spain for me to look at, feel free. I never like to give up on something :D

Hi Lee Thanks for the offer. If you drop me a mail I will post it on. If it works keep it and do a review. I am just curious to see what it could be.

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i would say that as well, i hate seeing something get the better of me

Yes I quite agree but sometime one needs to set things aside, then after a few days of quiet reflection go back, and then clobber the living daylights out of it with a big hammer.


Staff member
Here is the thing, if the gain plug is in backwards, then you will NEVER be able to program it since it's not sensing you going from rate to HH mode. Also, if you are using something like the DX7s or DX8, then you need to set it at +65% and -35% since it goes from +100 to -100 on the gain.

And has everyone forgotten about the 250 manual in the Instruction Manual section? All fo these links to the manual and not a DAMN ONE linked to this forum.


Staff member
No need to apologize. There was supposed to be a "lol" after that statment lol. My bad.
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