3 cyclic servos (identical).... whatever you pick
battery is enough i think
esc is good too .. Tony is better at esc and stuff... he can add his thoughts here..
Gyro... for a bird this size.. highly recommend a good gyro... like the raptor has gy401. buy something like an align gp 780 or 790 or even 750 are great. or other companies like quark gyro.. or futaba gy520. Tail servo should be very good to match the gyro too.. look for a DS650 or Futaba 9254 or 9257. Tail gear is very important and ends up being equal to all three cyclic servo costs plus some in some cases.. lol.. use your best judgement... I havent ever had a problem buying used gyros and servos from people, but its a risk.. if willing to take.. stuff ends being great and cheap
Program card.... If you go for an align esc .. I know its programmed without a program card straight from your tx. for companies like castle and ICE or scorpion.. Not so sure.. but when you buy, the specs on website say what is needed. RX... ar6200 (with satellite) atleast.. thats it.. i think ... you have the blades for it? carbon or woodies? got good tail blades?
setup is gonna be almost exactly the same as the nitro bird... minus the engine.. so essentially tony's videos.
let us know