Goblin 380 Supporter
It was a great morning to go flying. I brought with me 1 plane, 1 quad, 2 helis,"X3l-550" each having 2 batteries to use up. I'm still having problem with the COG of this plane. I moved up the battery quite amount toward the front and she still looked like a wounded bird trying to get home safely lol. The quad was fun like always and of course the 2 helis were wonderful and like always, A Blast to fly
. Here's the wounded bird video. Oh yeah, the plane lost the right side wheel right before take off. You can see it rolling lmao
Here's my skyliner flying around, in and out of trees. The landing...I don't know what happen
The X3L flying wonderful this morning. Again, I don't what happen on the landing. A little ruff
I didn't bring the 500 because I'm still waiting on parts
. Finally here's my 550 this morning and I'm sure glad that she together again
Here's my skyliner flying around, in and out of trees. The landing...I don't know what happen
The X3L flying wonderful this morning. Again, I don't what happen on the landing. A little ruff
I didn't bring the 500 because I'm still waiting on parts