New Member
Hey everyone! Just wanted to say hello, and introduce myself here!
I am from Muncie, Indiana; home of AMA HQ. AMA# 1046820
I'm 37 years old, and have a family of my own. We all have some sort of RC toys we have an avid interest in.
I have been flying RC Helicopters for almost 2 years now, and have learned quite a bit. I still think I crash and build more than I actually fly (unless you count test hovers and trim flights, mixed with lots of simulator time flying)
I am fascinated with all manner of aircraft, and especially Helicopters. I blame my father for that obsession since he was the one that always bought me rides in the state fair helicopters (Bell 47) ever since I was a wee lad. I'm considering going to flight school to fly the real deal.
I am a member of quite a few forums, including RCGroups, HeliFreak, and MyRCGuide. I found RC-Help through Cpo's Heli Hangouts and his videos on Youtube. (Thanks Cpo!). As well as some of the great tips and help videos from RC-Help.com as well!
Many years ago, I used to race RC Cars (Electric) on dirt, and carpet tracks. I was always intrigued by RC flight, but the cost and prospect of multiple crashes involved was a little too much than I wanted to bite off at that point. Plus RC helis were prohibitively expensive in those days. More recently though, prices have become quite a bit more manageable, so I picked up the hobby with gusto!
My current "fleet" consists of two 450 size birds: One Hausler 450 SEV2 (Currently being stripped and rebuilt to go into a 450 scale build), and a CopterX 450 Pro that I had originally purchased to use in a wacky build based on a picture floating around the Rotary Forums from a few years ago. That ended up being scrapped (at least with that problematic airframe) due to having to replace nearly every part on the heli to get it flying... That second 450 is now basically a Tarot 450 Pro V2 DFC; the only CopterX parts left on it are the motor mount (soon to be changed) the tail box (soon to be replaced with Tarot), and the Canopy.
At one time last year I did own a Trex 600 DFC, but that was a bit too much helicopter for me to handle at that point. I got a killer deal on it from a local college buddy before he moved out of state. It flew nicely but the fear of crashing costing so much, and lack of space to fly at the time (Wasn't an AMA member until this year) kind of put the Kibosh on that venture.
I have also owned a couple of 500 sized helicopters (one Align Clone from CopterX, and an HK500GT), but sold both of them off (along with the 600) to cover medical bills.
I am currently trying to get my electronics repair shop up and running again, and will be carrying Heli parts, and offering repair, build, and setup services as well as assistance to new local pilots just starting out.
I am currently looking at the Agile 3.6 from KDS as my next purchase. It's either that or a KDS 550.
Other helis that interest me are the ALZRC Devil 480 Fast, and the Thunder Tiger Raptor 550.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text here. Thanks for having such a great site
I am from Muncie, Indiana; home of AMA HQ. AMA# 1046820
I'm 37 years old, and have a family of my own. We all have some sort of RC toys we have an avid interest in.
I have been flying RC Helicopters for almost 2 years now, and have learned quite a bit. I still think I crash and build more than I actually fly (unless you count test hovers and trim flights, mixed with lots of simulator time flying)

I am a member of quite a few forums, including RCGroups, HeliFreak, and MyRCGuide. I found RC-Help through Cpo's Heli Hangouts and his videos on Youtube. (Thanks Cpo!). As well as some of the great tips and help videos from RC-Help.com as well!
Many years ago, I used to race RC Cars (Electric) on dirt, and carpet tracks. I was always intrigued by RC flight, but the cost and prospect of multiple crashes involved was a little too much than I wanted to bite off at that point. Plus RC helis were prohibitively expensive in those days. More recently though, prices have become quite a bit more manageable, so I picked up the hobby with gusto!
My current "fleet" consists of two 450 size birds: One Hausler 450 SEV2 (Currently being stripped and rebuilt to go into a 450 scale build), and a CopterX 450 Pro that I had originally purchased to use in a wacky build based on a picture floating around the Rotary Forums from a few years ago. That ended up being scrapped (at least with that problematic airframe) due to having to replace nearly every part on the heli to get it flying... That second 450 is now basically a Tarot 450 Pro V2 DFC; the only CopterX parts left on it are the motor mount (soon to be changed) the tail box (soon to be replaced with Tarot), and the Canopy.
At one time last year I did own a Trex 600 DFC, but that was a bit too much helicopter for me to handle at that point. I got a killer deal on it from a local college buddy before he moved out of state. It flew nicely but the fear of crashing costing so much, and lack of space to fly at the time (Wasn't an AMA member until this year) kind of put the Kibosh on that venture.
I have also owned a couple of 500 sized helicopters (one Align Clone from CopterX, and an HK500GT), but sold both of them off (along with the 600) to cover medical bills.
I am currently trying to get my electronics repair shop up and running again, and will be carrying Heli parts, and offering repair, build, and setup services as well as assistance to new local pilots just starting out.
I am currently looking at the Agile 3.6 from KDS as my next purchase. It's either that or a KDS 550.
Other helis that interest me are the ALZRC Devil 480 Fast, and the Thunder Tiger Raptor 550.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text here. Thanks for having such a great site