New Member
Hi there.
My name is richard and im from sweden
So i am sorry for all the strange words and miss-spelling 
Found this forum from youtube and had alot of help from Tony (i think) about the mah and c-rating if it could get too high
Now im here and will spend alot of houres asking questions for you guys
I LOVE the RC world and have always dreamed about a own rc heli since i was maybee 5years old but it was always too expencive
(still are hehe).
My first rc "heli" was the small foam 2ch from china (actually ended up with 3 of these )
Man i had alot of fun with these then i bought the foam 3ch chinook and 2 other small plastic 3ch infrared helis But it still wasn´t a REAL heli.
Then one day i was sitting at an selling site and found: 1 E-sky honey bee FP v1 RTF + 1 E-sky Belt-cp V1 RTF For the price of 1500SEK ( swedish kronor) (~210$) I thought that was a really good price then XD,
Well i have been flying my honey bee the whole last summer with plenty of crashes and parts, trying to build up confidence to get the belt cp airborne, and one day it was
....... in 2 min XD (still waiting for me too repair it). back too the bee again. Under the winter i have bought my self a Nine Eagles 260A Solo pro V2, and 1 china clone of the 450SE V2 that i am trying too assemble but the hex screws is in poor quality so they strip in the head lol XD . Well you get what you pay for......
That is my heli experience up too this date
Also have alot of other RC stuff but that is a other story
My name is richard and im from sweden
Found this forum from youtube and had alot of help from Tony (i think) about the mah and c-rating if it could get too high
Now im here and will spend alot of houres asking questions for you guys
I LOVE the RC world and have always dreamed about a own rc heli since i was maybee 5years old but it was always too expencive
My first rc "heli" was the small foam 2ch from china (actually ended up with 3 of these )
Then one day i was sitting at an selling site and found: 1 E-sky honey bee FP v1 RTF + 1 E-sky Belt-cp V1 RTF For the price of 1500SEK ( swedish kronor) (~210$) I thought that was a really good price then XD,
Well i have been flying my honey bee the whole last summer with plenty of crashes and parts, trying to build up confidence to get the belt cp airborne, and one day it was
That is my heli experience up too this date
Also have alot of other RC stuff but that is a other story