Hey Fellas


New Member
I have viewed several videos via youtube and have found them to be very helpful, so first off - thank you

I recently have purchased a trex 450L dominator for my first CP heli and have some buyers remorse :) hopefully I can find the help I need setting this heli up with my Spektrum DX7 - I am LOST

Thanks again


Staff member
Welcome to RCH. We are always here to help out. Make a thread in the heli section and let us know your tx, gyro and everything else and we will get you going. No remorse needed. Well, not until you keep buying the things like the rest of us lol.



Well-Known Member
Hi dnewmyer, welcome to the Forum! Don't forget to follow Tony's advice and start a thread describing what you Need to know "I am LOST" is bit vague to help with. Look forward to seeing if I can help out and test my knowledge.

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