hi , new member from wiltshire , england


hi i too have been watching Tony`s how to videos and have been meaning to sign up to the forum for a while now .
i have a copterx 450 tt model , was getting on well with it , well not crashing it :) , then i decided to plug the tx into the pc to alter the throttle curve and completely lost all the settings :heart-borken:
i couldnt get the settings back so i decided to buy a new dx6i and at the moment im still struggling to get to grips with the full potential of the radio ,i have just set it up enough to get the heli off the ground but i feel there is more to do with it to improve my flying .
i want to fit a switch into my wiring so as i can plug the battery in before turning the heli on as dont like plugging the battery straight into the ESC wire and it being live .
i will keep checking into the forum as i go and hope to help others out as much as they help me .




Staff member
Welcome to the forum rich. When I get home, of you need help setting up that dx6i, I will do what I can. I have been meaning to do more in depth videos of that radio, I just have not gotten around to it.


Well-Known Member
Hi Rich,
Where in Wiltshire are you? I'm from Marlborough. Not living there at the moment. I live in Spain and am just off to Mexico for 6 months. I also have a DX6I and a 450. Give us a shout if you need any help.



hi Lee i am in Swindon not far from Marlborough , wish i was in Spain too a work mate moved to Alicante a few years back and family friends moved to the Malaga area , we have visited them both and loved it , would love to be there .

as i said i have only just bought the dx6i and not really set it up properly i think , the original tx from copterx had two rotary controls on the front which i could adjust the blade pitch and the giro with and i cant find anything similar on the dx6i , i have done the blade tracking as that was out a little but have a intermittent fault at the mo which is really annoying me .

sometimes i can use a battery and all goes well , no problems , then i could swap battery and try to take off and the tail goes mental , wagging really bad , so i stop turn everything off and try again and it doesnt happen !!

i am really confused , dont know where to start looking , i have checked all the control arms etc on the heli everything seems fine .

i also want to fit an on / off switch so as i can connect the battery and replace the canopy before everything goes live , not sure if i need to put the switch in the big thick red / black wires that go to the ESC or if putting the switch in the thin wires from the ESC to the BEC will be ok , any idea ?

should i be listing questions / problems in another thread as this is a new members thread ?

thanks for your help



Spagetti Pilot
Not sure exhackly what your trying to accomplish. I have two switches on my t Rex 600. One that came with the heli. It's on the bec. One that came with the reciever. You still have to disconnect the batteries for storage cause there is still some power bleeding through so has to kill the batteries in a few hours. You would need a very large switch to shut the power off at the battery. There is a lot of amps running threw there!


Well-Known Member
Start a Thread in the Transmitter forum to get more answers Rich.
Give your DX6I settings, throttle, pitch, gyro gain etc.. so we have a better idea of where you are.
My mum is in Ogbourne St Andrew. I fly in a field behind the house when i get back there. Maybe we can fly sometime whenever I get back there.

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