Hi you all


New Member
I'm new to this posting type thing so I hope you can forgive me if I'm doing some thing wrong.
I'm having trouble that I hope to try to work out.
I have been building foamies because they are cheap, and fun to build. When I crash, as long as the motor is ok I'm not out anything.
But back to the trouble. I have been having brownout which in turn cuts out all power and it dives nose first into the sod.
The Castle ESC 7575 gets hot. The Cheetah 2217-04 also gets hot. The Pulse 2250mAh battery stays warm but not hot. I have a Spektrum DX5e transmitter and AR6100e receiver.
I have bound the receiver but after the crash it is blinking. This makes me think brownout.
I have also just ran the plane on the bench and it kicks out but will restart soon after.
The motor is running a 8X6 SF prop , with the thinking it would be a slow flyer giveing me more time to react while trying to learn to fly. Is this prop to large and causing everything to work harder and then overheat.
I hope all this makes sense. I would appreciate any comments you can come up with just try not to empty my wallet I already have to deal with the wife.


you dont have to re type all that bud one of the mods will most likly move the post to the plane section for you just check on it later. anyway welcome aboard.
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