How you all doing? I'm John


New Member
Hi I'm John. I used to play around with all kinds of RC stuff back years ago... I long time ago. Just got back into the hobby. Been playing around with these quads for few months now.


Well-Known Member
Hi there, John! Welcome to the forum! When you get time, browse through the forum and take a look around. There is a multi rotor section in the forum. If you have questions, post them up. We'll help you out! If you have pictures or video of what you are them up, too. We always like to see what our members are flying or driving.


Staff member

And here I thought you were from Oklahoma lmao.

Welcome to the forum. I have wanted to get into the quads, but just can't bring myself to pull the trigger.



New Member
LOL! My nickname is Boomer. To answer your question Derek. I started with a ares ethos qx 75. It was fun and I add a light kit to it too. Liked it enuff so I bought a DX6i and a blade nano qx. Lots of fun! I trim it out once and I fly it out doors all the time in SAFE mod. Can't seem to figure how to get it into to xpro mod. That's a question for the help forums :/ Any who... I just a mqx and it loads of fun. Real squirrely at first so I dumb it down a bit. Oh I have a protoX and a hubsan X4 too. Picked up the X4 so I can bind the transmitter to the protoX. Now it flies good.
That's about it for now.

Thanks all
Boomer ;)
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