Alright guys, just a little update.
Yesterday, my wife conned me... I was out of whisky and my wife looked at me and said "I'm going to go get you a bottle". There was a short pause, then she said, while I'm there, I'm getting a pack of cigarettes... Crap, but I wanted whisky lol. So yesterday, i had 2 smokes. I think. May have only been one.
But today, I have had NONE
And not because she is not home, but because this morning, we were sitting at the table with the windows open (been beautiful here lately) and I had a fan in the window behind me pulling air out (north facing and we had a south wind). She lit up, and I almost couldn't take the smell. I had to get up and go into my office. Just something about that smell this morning, I couldn't do it. If I had one, it would not have been so bad, but I really do like NOT coughing lol.
Today though, I had to rebuild my Alpha BFT. It started leaking yesterday (which led up to having a smoke) and today, I pulled it apart and looked at it. Everything looked fine so I put it back together and went to take a hit. Well, I grounded out one of the positive legs and burnt the crap out of the cotton (got red hot instantly at 80 watts). So I had no choice but to rebuild it.
This tank has a Clapton coil in it (2 actually) and I noticed the outer wire is broke, but it's still working. I have ordered new wire, but I have to wait for it to come in. I clipped the leads that were sticking out, and I had to stuff it with more cotton than I had before. The last batch of juice I made has more PG in it, so it's thinner. This resulted in me having to pack more cotton in the holes to keep it from leaking. I did that, and I have been hitting the hell out of it all day. I love the taste of a freshly rebuilt tank lol.
So there is my story for the last two days. I think I'm doing pretty good if I do say so myself with everything that is going on.