Micro Indoor Flying


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Yeah you can do all the programming now. And when you get it

Just bind it. Make sure all controls are the correct way

Try to make sure you have zero pitch at mid stick. And you are good to fly

One thing with v2 boards. The binding procedure is not just holding the trainer switch while turning the rx on (after turning the bird on) but it has one more thing, either right rudder or right aileron all the way had to be held too.

Make sure you get that info from the Manila before binding or it either won't bind or just a bad bind with messy gyro.



Active Member
oh i was planning on it i have learned more and more to read every word in a manual. I have three sitting on my bench that i still refer back to. And since i will be flying this inside of a gym(and inside my house shhhh dont tell anyone) It will be read before any spool up ok while the batteries are charging i will be reading it.


Staff member
Yup, you will be fine. Just make sure to read through the Manual (not Manila lmao) to figure out what setting you will need for the V2 board. Thankfully I have the V1 and I don't have to worry about all of that. And mine is brushless and just S-I-C-K! lol
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