You know until I built the 450, I had no idea head speed was an issue. So on the 250 size it was just dumb luck because the Esky 500 RTF is a brushed motor so the head speed is 750 rpm. And they are electric tail rotor helis. And that's a good thing for a nubby I have yet to have had to replace a tail rotor motor. But frame's are a different story I lost count after 6 The good news is they are the same frame as the Honey Bee V2 So they are easy to find and usually in stock for around 3 dollars. I Also find it necessary to buy the blades from Micro Heli because they are 240 mm super smooth and always within 1 or 2 grains on weight. For 14 dollars I haven't found a better deal. Normally a 250 size uses 205 mm blades. They don't work not enough head speed and anything longer is to much torque for the tail motor to keep up with. I tried upping the tail rotor to a 110 mm but it would make the motor so hot it would unsolder the wire. I wouldn't recommend using the Esky 500 RTF for scale. But it has worked well as a learning device for me. And on days with no wind they are fun to fly. Challenging but fun!
On the 450 pro I was recommended to go with a 2500 kv motor use a 4 cell lipo and a 60 amp ESC. But I ended up going with a 3200 kv a 40 amp ESC and I am staying with the 3 cell because I have 4 of them. My other friend told my not to worry about the 60 amp ESC unless I plan to do 3D which I don't. I also am using a 5 blade flapping head from X copter and RC aerodyne scale rotor blades. Super precision no vibration or shake on spool up testing Also had to upsize the tail rotor blades to 74 mm. I am using the Eznov Neuron flybarless 9 axis gyro system with bailout so I don't have any sleepless nights. Just waiting for payday. Only need the RX with the single line S-bus line to link up the neuron. And it will be time for the maiden flight.

Thanks for making me feel at home here holtneil
Love the Cobra! Your flying skill turns me green with envy oh ye master with the sticks. Great Job, Beautiful paint. Just one question where did you hide the lipo.
Talk to you soon cheers
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Thanks for the worm welcome Admiral I love the Quote. A fella I correspond with from New Zealand has a good Quote that goes "Life is good but ten times better when flying with friends even in crappy weather" Cheers my friend !!!
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Thanks Lee I see you are an Ikon user I have invested in the Neuron designed by the same guy that designed the Ikon brain. Only thing is there is almost no info on youtube about the system in English. And I don't speek any French. I am going to check out your channel right now!!! Cheers my friend......