Just another new member...

My son got me into this and now at 60 I can stop playing. Ive been flying the 130x and having great fun with it (no tricks yet) and now, due to a horrible accident with my son (he lost one hand) I have inherited his still in the box align pro 3gx super combo fbl which I am in the middle of trying to put together. Ill be asking for help im sure :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your son's accident. That's terrible!

When you come across problems or something you don't understand...post your questions. We'll help you out!


Staff member
That is horrible about your son. As soon as I read that, I immediately had flashes on how we can get him back in the air. If he is anything like most of us are on here, missing a hand is merely an inconvenience. I will bet, if he still has the passion to fly, that we can get something going for him. some ideas anyway.

No matter what the question, we are here to help out in any way we can.

I appreciate all the support and yes, he has been awesome about it and already has a new totally electric hand. I'm going to find the appropriate forum and ask about quads as he likes the idea of using his gopro on that platform and they are easier to control for him, for now! ;)


Well-Known Member
A quad??? Sounds good to me! We have a few multi rotor people here. post up your questions...I'm sure you'll get some positive answers. Good luck to you and your son!!! and above all....have fun!!!
Welcome aboard buddy!
Sorry to hear about your son, but he sounds like he's unstoppable which is awesome!
there are some very keen multi rotor guys on here, and i'm sure they'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have!
As for yourself, ask away and we'll all be happy to help
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