Well I wouldn't go that far. Your close to the ground flips look like the beginning of a pro. The way you lay it back and then forward. I am very abrupt in my movements and you have a very smooth touch with no jerkiness.
Did you get your birds back in the air yet? I just ordered a new motor for my 450. The upper motor bearing was shot. Changed it with an older motor I had. It was so tight it sounded like I was running it on 3.7 volts instead of 11. So I just have my 500 to fly for the weekend.
Waiting for your next video.
No, Ken. The birds are still lying wounded on the bench. These days I have so little spare time to fix anything. The HK 450 FBL crash was so violent that the Turnigy motor shaft got sheared right off. Time for a genuine Align motor, I guess.
The reason I fly close to the ground is that it is much easier to see the rotor disc, fully aware that the risk of crashing is considerably higher. Flirting with the ground is the last thing I would like to do. That's why I won't be a smack-down pilot. LOL
I've got a gut feeling that there is a contest brewing on here -- Rc-help members posting dueling videos of their latest heli stunts. That would be a great thing. We could help each other perfect the techniques and realize our true potential.
Flying 3D is extremely hard, for me at least-- I am normally all-thumb, but is not impossible. Each and every member on this forum is capable of doing this. But it'll take a lot of crashing, though.