Batteries Lipo Battery Charge Level


yep ... .that is how I understand it too .... it is the energy replacement that is not supposed to exceed 80% and the energy units on the lipo charger are in MAH.


Well-Known Member
The recommended method, as I know it... is based on capacity also... But at the field, unless you have some way to measure the capacity used, they use the voltage left as the scale and then they verify it during the charge cycle. There is a direct correlation between the at load voltage and the amount of capacity left, so for field use voltage still works as a gauge.


Active Member
The relationship between voltage and capacity is fairly linear within the 80% range. The best way I know to explain this is to link to a page that has a graph. Lithium-based Batteries Information – Battery University
You will see that within the 80% range the line is essentially linear. Once you drop below this point the voltage falls off like a rock and the battery is damaged.

With batteries being made differently ever so slightly and with capacity changing over time this is the only real way to measure your capacity accurately. I don't know the chemistry well enough to explain what happens to the cells when the voltage drops below the 80% value.
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