Your head speed is
With 150tooth main gear (stock straight gear) and 14t pinion on the bl450mx (3400kv ) motor at 90percent efficiency
Start if flight batteries at 12.6 volts full charge
At 100percent throttle : 3608 rpm
At the end of flight about 11.4 volts (just a guess I Don't know how low your battery gets) : 3206 rpm
The lower rpm you run (to a limit of course) gets you higher torque and better battery life and motor and batteries won't come down too warm.
You have kinda seen how I fly, I am putting helical heat system in mine, and targeting 3200 max rpm on my high charge 12.6. At low battery ill land at around 2950 or so.
Calculation ::
(Battery voltage x motor kv ) - 10 % = motor rpm (say A)
Main gear tooth count / pinion gear count = gear ratio (10.7 in your case) (say B)
Rpm = A/B
Now these calculations will give you your motor's rpm at 100percent throttle straight. Rest is simple math getting if down to what percent throttle you are running .