Recklessness? No, I'm thinking it was because of SMACK!!! Nothing to be ashamed with there!
I do like to see a video from you there you are deliberate on the moves. VERY smooth and precise on the flight. I'm hoping my 600 is half that stable when it's complete. Keep up the great work.
As Tony said, your flying is getting a lot more precise/deliberate, and less like a drunken mosquito LOL(said with admiration
Yeah, Marius, that was a great looking flight. Control over orientation changes looked solid. That rainbow with half piro looked very nice. High speed, high bank figure 8 was locked in great, with transition to backwards flight. I have some practicing to do to catch up. Not enough time in the days.
Nice grass trimming Marius! Lol
very nice man i wish i had the nerve or skill for that lol great job
Great job flying at night. Needs more lights.![]()
Very impressive, Marius. You've obviously gotten very comfortable with inverted and transitioning between inv and upright. Backwards upright and inverted. Smooth stuff.![]()
++ to the Flights of the past couple uploads. I could just sit back and watch ya all day long.
My palms were sweating just watching. Great flying there Marius, Thanks.
Woah dude, did get a bit close at the end there.
Impressive stability recovery on those piro pitch pumps. Gotta love the sound of this thing on the tic-tocs and rainbows/pushouts.
Nice flying!
Hey, your tic toc skills are far more advanced than mine. Great job!
Despite that rather close call, that was an awesome flight Marius! That Goblin really sounds great!!!
Nice flight Marius,
Hoping to get out and fly soon my self.