Nevermind, just saw in post #4 that you are using the DX8. I was seeing post #2 where he mentioned the Futaba. Okay, moving on.
Put the ESC into the throttle port, Right front servo in teh aileron port, elevator (rear servo) in the elevator port, and left front servo into the Aux1 port. Your rudder servo will go into the rudder port.
The satellite Rx's will both plug into the same side of the 3GX into the Sat1 and Sat2 ports. Make sure to run one of the sats with the antennas running horizontal and the other with the antennas running vertical. This is the redundancy that they were made for.
You do not want the servos bolted into the heli at this point though. You will want to bind the 3GX to the Dx8, making sure the subtrims and trims are at 0, then play with the servo arms to get as close to 90º as you can. For positioning of the arms, watch my video on the Pro build, I detail everything in there. I also have videos on the DX8 basic heli setup as well as the setup for the 3GX that can better explain how to set everything up.
If there is anything else that you need help with, just post up.