Thanks for the compliment Gaba. Yes I saw your videos. I've only done 2 videos lol. Its the camera that does the good job. Its a Canon Vixia HF M40 HD, with internal flash drive. Awesome camera's.
Thanks for telling me about the reverse. Still not sure which servo, since I filmed rear, left side, right side. When I filmed last night, channel 6=pitch was reversed on the Tx. Is that the one?
Another question about pitch though. The main rotor is supposed to spin clockwise right? When the head is spinning, and you add collective to get the bird to hover, the mixing is supposed to also move the swash so that the leading edge of the rotor blades will tilt downward to bite more air ? ie: a negative angle to provide positive pitch?
Or are the blades leading edge supposed to turn up at a positive angle to provide positive pitch?
I don't consider myself to be mechanically gifted with complex linkage machines. First half of my life was going to school and learning things in 2D. Science and computer crap etc. Then I went mining a jackleg for 20 more years, and enjoyed that a lot more.
My point though, is that book learning has its place, but is no substitute real world experience and years of been there done that, especially with helicopters
The first winner of Canada's Greatest Know It All, which just ended the first season, is a cool older guy named Ted, with a grade 9 education (which has nothing to do with intelligence), worked all over the world doing some impressive jobs. There were a few science people and engineers that got beat out, just because they really have never been out there doing it.
I think I talk too much. Must be cabin fever lol.